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Visual Arts

Director of Visual Arts

Miss C Harwood

We want our students to be valuable citizens of society, community and country.

Curriculum Intent for Graphics:

"Art opens up those possibilities to think beyond what we already know."

Catherine Opie, Artist.


In Graphics our vision is for all students to leave the academy rich in digital design knowledge and creative ability. All students will learn the purpose and practice of Graphic Art through learning to master industry-standard software including Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Procreate. We are ambitious for our students in Graphics; we do not shy away from teaching advanced skills and techniques which are usually taught at A Level. Students work towards a number of different briefs including Architecture, Typography and Wall Murals. Built into each project, students learn new digital design skills, learn about different art movements / artists, and also have the ability to develop and explore their own creative ideas.

The work students produce in Graphics is of a professional standard and quality. Students leave Year 11 ready to enrich whichever business they work for in the future through their unique design and IT skills. If students choose to study Graphics in college, they usually leave Essa with advanced skills beyond their peers from other schools, putting them in a strong position to excel in further education.

  • Valuing, encouraging and facilitating creativity for all.

  • Ensuring all are literate and able to communicate through a range of mediums, regardless of language or background.

  • Ensuring all become aware of the world and how it functions through developing cultural capital and knowledge of the world of arts, both inside and outside of the classroom.

  • Developing empathy and self-awareness to ensure all are able to take care of themselves and the world.

  • Providing a calm, inspiring and purposeful environment where students feel safe, happy and able to express themselves, enabling them to be healthy, safe and fit in mind and body.

  • Providing students with the creative knowledge, skills and ambition to have a successful career in any industry and a successful future.

  • To provide students with the ability to problem solve through independent experimentation and teaching students how to break down problems and barriers.

  • To provide students with industry-standard experiences utilising the latest digital technology, enabling them to become digital literate and aware


Download the full Visual Arts curriculum overview here

Curriculum Road Maps

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