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Associate Assistant Principal - Personal Development Behaviour and Wellbeing.

Designated Safeguarding Lead - Miss S O'Connor
​Email -

Essa Academy is committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all. We endeavour to provide a safe and secure environment for children, staff and visitors, and promote a climate where children feel confident sharing concerns about their own safety or the well-being of others.

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Safeguarding Intent

- To support all pupils who may have been or are at risk of abuse

- To establish and maintain an ethos where pupils feel safe and secure

- All staff and governors are continuously trained and fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all pupils

- Child Protection concerns are dealt with sensitively in a timely manner, following policies and procedures in place.

Safeguarding Implementation

Safeguarding in our school involves all staff, governors, parents and carers and students. Staff and governors are committed to undergoing annual safeguarding training to a high level and are aware of the correct policies and procedures to follow when concerns arise. Students are taught safeguarding context through PSHEE lessons and also through assemblies, forms, pop-up stalls and workshops. 
Here, students learn the skills to equip them to stay safe and know how to respond to personal concerns.

Safeguarding Impact

We endeavour to ensure that we support all students who may be or are at risk of abuse of any for form. Together with the Principal and the Wellbeing team, the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs) monitors safeguarding concerns across the school promptly.

Staff and governors help to maintain a safe ethos within school and are aware of the correct procedures to follow in case of concerns arising. We intend the for the impact of Safeguarding within our Academy will ensure that our students have the skills to help them with facing their problems so they are able to be well-rounded students and achieve their full potential.


For any safeguarding concerns outside of school or during holidays, please use Bolton's First Five Minutes Facts for individual incidents, such as; CSE, CCE, FGM, Forced Marriage, etc.

Key Contacts:

MASS (Multi Agency Support Services):          01204 331500

Fort Alice (Domestic Violence support:           01204 365677

Childline: 0800 1111, NSPCC:                                  01204 365677

Samaritans:                                                                0330 094 5717

For any staff allegations, please consult the document below...

Safeguarding poster 2023.png
First Aiders 2023.png
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