Rewards and Sanctions
Students at Essa Academy are rewarded for demonstrating Effort, Standards, Spirit and Achievement. Rewards are given by teachers using ClassCharts during lessons, and can also be given at social times using our reward cards. The reward points for each student are then displayed in form time every Monday morning.
Students and form groups with the most reward points each half term will be awarded with prizes throughout the academic year, including certificates and badges, form parties and other rewards as determined by the pastoral team.
Students will earn one ESSA Reward point each lesson. This ESSA reward is awarded for:
Effort - hard work and focus
Spirit - resilience and bravery
Standards - all equipment, full uniform and on-time
Achievement - progress and success
In addition, one student can be awarded a PROUD point. This goes to the student who has gone above and beyond during the lesson.
All reward points will be logged on ClassCharts and are accessible by Parents/Carers via the ClassCharts App.
Student Rewards
Points can be traded at our Reward Shop for exciting prizes, like:
Art sets
Sports equipment
The choice of prizes were voted for by the students for the students.
We celebrate the students with the most ESSA and PROUD points in our Year group assemblies each week. Additionally, we display the fantastic work produced, on our PROUD noticeboards. We acknowledge the outstanding efforts of our students by inviting those who received the most PROUD points, to Principal's Praise every Friday.
Students who accumulate the highest number of f ESSA and PROUD points are selected for our exclusive rewards trips held each term, where our students celebrate their achievements and create lasting memories. Students are also invited to enjoy our 3G football pitch every Friday as a special reward for their dedication to their learning.
At ESSA, we will not tolerate any behaviours that stop learning or disrupt the fabric of the Academy.
Our consequences are fair and reasonable.
During lessons, students will be given clear and visual warnings before being issued with a sanction:
C1: First warning - student initials on the board
C2: Second warning - student initials on the board
C3: Faculty Detention (on the same day for 30 minutes)
C4: Removal from the lesson. Whole-School Detention (for 60 minutes)
As well as the C1-C4 system, students can be issued with a Whole-School Detention (next day) for:
Lack of equipment
Missing uniform/lanyard
Late to the Academy or repeatedly late in the day
Missing Faculty Detention (C3)
Not following Academy expectations at change-over / social times
Students who deliberately choose NOT to attend Whole-School Detention despite clear reminders, may be subject to further sanctions, that could include:
A day in IE (Internal Exclusion) with a detention at the end of the day
Whole-School Detention on Friday for 90 minutes
Suspension from the Academy